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International Services

Our firm over the years has become experts in international funeral services, many ask what is this? This is a funeral option in which your family has a service here in the United States with your loved one and following the completion of funeral services, in the place of a burial or cremation our firm would then send your loved one’s casket and body to any requested country once all the documentation was complete.

For example, many of our families choose to send their loved one’s home to their birth countries following their funeral services. Our funeral home has expertise in shipping human remains internationally. We often send human remains to Vietnam, Guatemala, Honduras, Guyana, Mexico, and many more countries around the globe.

Our staff would handle securing necessary permits, transit paperwork, death certificates, acquiring letters of non-infectious disease, coordinating air travel, arranging flights for your loved one, reviewing and coordinating all details with the Consulate and Embassy of the respected county your loved one would be returning home to, and securing the documents needed for repatriation from the receiving country’s government.

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